If you have any questions, please feel free to send me an email on my contact page or give me a call. Alternatively, here are some of my FAQs:
What are male and female chickens called?

A baby female chicken is called a Pullet. Once she starts laying eggs, she is then called a Hen. A male chick or chicken is called a Cock, Cockerel or Rooster. 

What are male and female ducks called?

A male duck is called a Drake, while a female duck is called either a duck or a hen.

What is a baby duck called?

A baby duck is called a duckling.

What is a baby chicken called?

A baby chicken is called a chick.

How many eggs does a chicken lay?

Typically, a female chicken (or a hen!) will lay around 300 eggs a year. That's if she is a happy, healthy hen and in her prime! She will lay eggs between 20 and 78 weeks of age, although during this time she may have periods of rest. Most hens will carry on laying eggs even after 78 weeks of age.